From 1907 to 1912 the Dorset Constabulary Summer uniform was GREY.
The below photograph of an officer in the grey uniform has been taken from the Bobbies on the Beat Book with permission from author Melvin HANN.
There have been several HANN policemen, over the last 150 years. Surprisingly Melvin, who was a Civilian “plan drawer” from 1970 and then later his post evolved into desktop publishing and computer graphics, thinks he is not related to any of those policemen.
Sorry for that side track, getting back to the photograph which is on page 30 in the book. It states “Constable 116 Solomon DENNETT modelling the Dorset Grey uniform. He progressed and retired as a Superintendent in 1915”.
This has always confused me as if his collar and helmet number is 116, why did they give Soloman the number 24 on his grey helmet.
Solomon DENNETT was PC 116 between 1877 – 1885 and was a Superintendent, when the below photograph would have been taken.
On 1st January 1905, he was moved to Dorchester, to take over as Divisional Commander and yes he was still at Dorchester when the grey uniform came in, in the summer of 1907, so there is no doubt he could have been the “model”.
However Solomon in 1907, was 48 years old, does this man look 48 ?
This guy looks about half that age , so who is he ?
Anyway let’s get back to the point of the post.

We all know that the British Bobbies uniform has always been dark or navy blue, even though it is almost looks black, but some Forces decided other colours could be used, for example Staffs and Montgomeryshire have used Green.
I am not 100 per cent sure, but Dorset may have been the only one to use Grey.

This could be my favorite photograph that my grandfather left me and on the rear he attached a piece of paper helping me identify some of the officers. After much research I have found out the date was a few years off and there are a few identity mistakes, but overall most are correct.

I believe this could be the earliest taken of the Grey uniform. It may have also been taken to show off the New Portland Police station and adjoining Court house that was opened in March 1907. The officers are positioned on the north side of the station in a paved area next to the court wall.

On 4th May 1907 in General Orders (above), it was written, that the new Grey uniform , referred to later as the “Norfolk suits”, would be worn on day shift from May 13th till October 4th. So obviously, from that information I am presuming this photograph was taken in Summer 1907 and possibly on that date.
Having a light coloured uniform was unknown except in hot countries and Dorset decided it would be a good colour for summer for two reasons, the current summer dark colour absorbed heat and secondly changed colour because it soaked up the dust in the hot months. You must remember that in these times there were very few metalled roads, so dust from carts was excessive.
Imagine being stationed at Portland as well, well I do not have to use my imagination as my grandfather and great grandfather were both stationed there. My grandfather said that in the 1920’s, the “island” was covered in Portland stone dust , quarried on the top and moved down the main streets to the port. His uniform changed colour, because of the dust and had to be constantly washed and when it rained the roads became a stream of mustard and cream coloured slurry. The whole point of the grey uniform was to try and look cleaner and respectable.
Let’s now look at some enhanced and closer up images of the photograph.

Some of you may recognise part of this photograph as it was used in Sylvia COLLINS recent blog.

After working out who all the officers were, with the help of my grandfathers information, their badge numbers and medal ribbons, I have identified them as:
Rear Row:
1: PC 22 Arthur Percy BECK
2: PC 4 Fred FALL
3: PC 36 William MEECH
4: PC 100 Albert HUNT
5: PC 24 Arthur J REEVES
Centre Row:
1: PC 40 William J GUPPY
2: PC 146 Abner BARRETT
3: PC 154 Arthur Wm VARDY
4: PC 110 John UFFIN
5: PC 81 George CHURCHILL
6: PC 65 Joseph SWAIN
Front Row:
1: PC 70 George PAYNE
2: PC 90 James STOCKLEY
3: SGT 9 William GROVES
4: SUPT William SAINT
5: SGT 2 Samuel BISHOP
6: PC 12 Henry ELLIOT
7: PC 74 George HELYER
The photograph is taken between 13th May when the uniform was first worn and PC 40 Bill GUPPY was posted there and October when PC 154 Arthur VARDY left the Island.

What the police station and court looks like a century later.
The next photograph is more of a mystery. It is also used in another post of mine, entitled “Mystery Men”.
There are many of the same officers in it, as the above Portland photograph.
It shows the original photograph and an enhanced version. This photograph was also inherited by me and had no names on, at all.

Again officers are wearing the Grey uniform, but:
Where was this building ?
As above the Superintendent is William SAINT, but I have no idea who the gentleman with the beard and in civilian clothes is !
Could he be another Constabulary’s Chief Constable and the location is outside the Force area , maybe another Miners strike ?
It has to be either 1907 or 1908 as Sgt GROVES, standing back left retired on the 2nd November 1908 to become the landlord of the Railway Arch Hotel in Chickerell.
The officers in the photograph are believed to be:
Rear Row Standing:
1: SGT 9 William GROVES
3: possibly PC 94, who maybe Arthur RICHARDSON ?
4: PC 138 Henry John LANE
5: PC 55 Sidney H HARVEY
6: PC 65 Joseph SWAIN
7: PC 59 Frederick OSMENT
8: PC 145 Sidney PRIDE or PC 148 Henry ARNOLD
9: PC 125 Frank SYMES
10: PC 85 ?
11: PC 136 Robert BIDDLECOMBE
12: PC ?
13: PC 131 John HINE
14: possibly PC 57 Frederick Henry ARNOLD ?
15: SGT ?
Middle Row Sitting:
1: PC 45 Joseph JAMES
2: possibly PC 121 ?
3: PC 60 Walter BILLETT
4: PC 153 Tom TITE
5: possibly PC 115 Fred MEADEN
6: PC 67 Joseph John SYMES
7: PC 114 James Eli HANN
8: PC 40 William GUPPY
9: PC 50 ?
10: PC 107 Francis VATCHER
11: PC 4 Fred FALL
12: PC 53 Alfred SLOW
`13: possibly PC 69 William GALPIN ?
Front Row Sitting:
1: possibly PC 148 Henry ARNOLD ?
2: PC 52 John WILLS
3: PC 5 William SYMES
4: PC 86 William HOPKINS
5: PC 21 Charles CAILES
6: Civilian clothes ?
7: Supt William SAINT
8: PC 118 William WHITE
9: possibly PC 140 James HANSFORD ?
10: possibly PC 98 George CLARK ?
11: PC 56 Henry MATTHEWS
12: possibly PC 88 ?
Further updates and information will be added later to hopefully get rid of the question marks !

I reckon this above photograph is around 1910, no doubt the two police officers are on exercise with the Dorset Regiment to keep the peace.
On the left at the rear is PC 40 William GUPPY , back right is PC 119 Reginald KENT. Bill GUPPY joined in April 1907 and Reg KENT was a PC till 1913, so in theory it could be any of the summers between 1907 and 1912.

As is says above, this is PC 17 William Alfred BARTLETT who joined the Constabulary in 1909, so this could be his first pose after joining.

Above is the Training Sgt and his recruits from Summer 1910 onwards.
This photograph is also taken from Melvin’s book with thanks again for his help.
SGT William WHITE became the Training SGT on 13th October 1910 so it has to be either 1911 or 1912.
Why are some in uniform and others not ? Possibly, there were no grey uniforms left or they had literally just turned up and not been given any uniform yet. On that theory the men in civilians will have joined slightly after those with uniforms.
Front Row:
1: PC 116 Eden Charles COX, who joined on 5 Aug 1912
2: SGT 24 William WHITE
3: PC 129 Joseph COTTRELL, who joined on 6 Aug 1912 and died in WW1.
Rear Row:
3: PC 153 Joseph Charles GERRARD, who’s joining date I don’t know.
1 , 2 are 4 are likely to be:
PC 159 Arthur Edwin FOSTER who joined on 12th Aug 1912
PC 160 Joseph OSBOURNE who joined on 19th Aug 1912
PC 161 Andrew Henry Edward READ who also joined on 19th Aug 1912.
Below are some photocards I have come across recently.

The officers in the above photograph are from left to right:
1: Rear left farthest away PC 14 Stephen REED
2: Front left kneeling PC 45 Joseph JAMES
3: Standing in front of tent PC 100 Albert HUNT
4: Siting in front of him PC 55 Sidney HARVEY
5: Standing in front of tent PC 153 Tom TITE
6: Sitting in front of tent PC 115 Fred MEADEN
7: Kneeling in front of tent PC 2 Albert STANLEY
Others two officers far right rear are too far away to identify.
So although the card does not appear to have been posted it must be from PC 55 Sidney HARVEY.

Another exercise photograph from 1908. This postcard was sent by PC 105 STUART to his relatives in the summer of 1908.
I bought this of the internet about 110 years later in 2018 and about a year later I gave to a relative of his, I came across on my research.
SGT 8 Frederick SMYTHERS
1: PC 108 Herbert VATCHER
2: PC 105 Charles STUART
3: PC 5 William SYMES
4: PC 61 Thomas GROVES,

More officers on exercise in front of their tent showing the police sign.
Photograph has to be from mid July from the Summer of 1909 onwards, as I cannot see a year date on the stamp, but it is thought to be 1909.
Rear Row:
SGT 22 David NORTHOVER, Parkstone SGT between 1901 – 1905.
PC 138 Henry LANE
PC 85 Edward DAY joined 23 October 1908
Front Row:
PC 114 James HANN, PC at Parkstone from 8th Feb 1908
So this must be a postcard sent by James “Jim” HANN, coincidently he was also the Sydling PC from 1903 – 1908.
This card has now been sent to Dorothy BOWER, who has helped me, as her grandfather was James HANN.

The above photograph is from the summer of 1912. It shows Sgt Ernest SPRACKLING with his daughter Ella in his police house garden at police HQ. Ernie was the admin Sgt for the Constabulary. The photograph belongs to the family, thanks Pam. The grey uniform disappeared to the stores that year after the Government decided that it was not a standard police uniform .
On 29th May 1913 the new summer uniform was worn, it was back to navy blue and instead of helmets, peaked caps were issued.